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Teamwork Analytics – Architecture and Deployment Overview (SaaS)

Data collection and reporting

Teamwork Analytics is a cloud application that uses components hosted in a Modality tenant to collect metadata about an organization’s Teams activity. This includes Azure Active Directory (for information about people, such as office and department), Teams chat, channel and file activity, and for Teams calls and meetings. This data is stored in a suitable format for reporting via Microsoft Power BI.

While other deployment options are available, this article refers to the most common and simplest to deploy – as a SaaS application, with Modality hosting.

Data flows

Once permission has been granted, Modality hosted components use the Microsoft Graph API to get data from the customer tenant over HTTPS. This data is then processed and stored in Azure SQL databases (over port 1433) on the Modality tenant. Separate databases are used for each customer.

The cloud Power BI service performs scheduled imports from the SQL databases to update its datasets and refresh the reports.

All components are hosted within the Microsoft Cloud platform. Communication between components is secured with TLS 1.2, and SQL data is encrypted at rest with a service managed key.

Further security details are summarized in Security details.

Teamwork Analytics Automation

Automation sends targeted messages to end users based on Teamwork Analytics data. Messages are built in the Modality-hosted components and sent via the shared Azure Bot Service for delivery to end Teams users. 

Further information can be found at Automation Overview

Deployment overview

Approve application links

The main customer action to deploy Teamwork Analytics is to grant permission to the Modality applications to read data from the tenant and accept messages from the Automation service. 

Follow the guidance on the following pages to approve the links – these also contain information if required for change control and to revert if needed.

Usage and Governance SaaS Setup

Calls and Meetings SaaS Setup

Deploy Power BI reports

Once the service is running and data collection has started, the Power BI reports can be installed. 

Power BI Setup

Automation deployment

Before any messages can reach your end users, they need a Teams App to be approved and installed for them. 

Typically, this is done for a small pilot group for testing before a wider roll out to the organization.

Deploy Automation App (Bot) into Microsoft Teams

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