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OneConsultation v2 User Guide

If you are a clinician using OneConsultation, you can find a basic user guide here.

How to access OneConsultation

In a new browser window (not Internet Explorer) go to: admin.oneconsultation.net

Click on ‘sign in’ when prompted.

You should see a list of waiting rooms. These are the rooms that you can access. Select the waiting room that you want to enter by clicking on it from the list. If you do not see the waiting room that you need, this may be because you do not have access to that room. Please contact your local IT for help.

Once you are in a waiting room, you can navigate to a different waiting room by hovering your mouse over ‘change room’ and clicking on a room name from the list.

If there are no patients waiting for a consultation, the waiting room will be empty.

When a patient arrives for their consultation, an appointment card will display in the waiting room.

Appointment cards explained

You can see the following information on the appointment card:

Red/Amber/Green icon – this shows the type of device the patient is using and also how long they have been waiting. (Green = less than 5 minutes, Amber = between 5 and 10 minutes, Red = longer than 10 minutes. If this icon is grey, the patient is no longer present in the consultation.)

Arrival time – how long it has been since the patient arrived

Joined at – the date and time that the patient arrived

Room participant count – how many people are currently in the consultation

Internal share – if you click on ‘copy join link’ a Teams link to the consultation will be copied to your clipboard. This can then be pasted into an email/chat message and sent to one of your colleagues, enabling your colleague to join this consultation via Teams when they click on the link.  

External share – if you click on ‘copy join link’ a web link to the consultation will be copied to your clipboard. This can then be pasted into an email/chat message and sent to any external party, such as a translator, enabling them to join this consultation via a web browser when they click on the link.  

Questions – these are the patient’s answers to the questions they were given to log into the consultation

There are also options for:

Enter room – this will launch Teams and enable you to join the patient in the consultation

Remove – this will remove the consultation from the admin portal and disconnect anyone present in the consultation. Only use this option if you are sure that the consultation is not in progress.

Move to – this will enable you to move the patient to another room that you have access to.

The long string of characters at the bottom of the appointment card is the consultation ID.

How to join a consultation

When you click ‘Enter Room’ a prompt will display at the top of the browser window. Click on ‘Open Microsoft Teams’.

Microsoft Teams will open, showing the meeting join preferences screen that you may already be familiar with. Ensure that Teams is using your correct camera and microphone/headset and press ‘join now’.

When you enter the meeting, Teams will display a message to tell you the patient is waiting in the lobby. Click ‘admit’ and the patient will join you in the Teams meeting.  

Managing the consultation

During the consultation, you can use most of the same in-meeting functionality as a normal Teams meeting, including screen share (with audio and video), chat and recording. Please note, if these features are not available, it may be because your organisation has disabled them via a Teams policy. Please contact your local IT team for more information if this is the case.  

Once you have finished the consultation, you can disconnect from the Teams meeting as normal, by pressing the red hang up button.

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