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KPI Trees


This report gives the factors for each of the network KPIs across different areas, with the tree expanding and breaking down to drive you to all the factors and their contribution, relative to the KPI.

The trees can be interacted with for drill down, valuable for root cause analysis by exploring different correlations of the KPI to connection types, location, media types, stream direction and caller types.

Learn more about network KPIs and the effect they have on calls.

Use the date, Active Directory and Call Type slicers at the top of the report to limit to a particular area of interest. Further advanced filtering can be carried out using the Filter pane on the right hand side.

This report tells me

Summary count of calls, meetings and streams

KPI Summary

  • Average and maximum packet loss, jitter and round trip

Factors affecting KPIs

  • Average and maximum packet loss, jitter and round trip by:
    • connection type (wifi, wired, mobile, tunnel)
    • media label (video, audio, app sharing)
    • location (city)
    • stream direction (caller to callee, callee to caller)
    • user type (internal / external)


Use the KPI tabs in the top left corner to switch the view between Packet Loss, Jitter and Round Trip Time.
Note: The filter value selected is an association to the % which is highest , ranked. Meaning when the “type” is selected, this means that is an assocation to the overall factor.

Example if 0.34% average packet loss then the “connection type” will account for a % where say Mobile is highest. If in this example mobile is show as 4% and no other “connection” assocation is made then 96% is simply not a connection factor identified to the 0.34% packet loss.

So Mobile as connection type has 4% avg packet loss which contributes to the all-up 0.34% packet loss.

If there isn’t a node on the tree for a specific connection type then it’s not a contributing factor to the all-up Packet loss.

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