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Monitoring Automation CAT

If you deploy Teamwork Analytics Automation in CAT (hosted yourself in your own Azure tenant), you may want to also configure some monitoring:

Application Insights Email Alert

Automation is monitored with Azure Application Insights.

An Automation deployment, deployed via ARM template, will contain this configuration.

By default, there will be one alert rule which uses machine learning to alert when there are deviations from normal/failures.

When there is an issue, this will email anyone who has either the Monitoring Contributor or Monitoring Reader RBAC roles against the Application Insights. Please ensure you have the correct emails set for this notification.

Troubleshooting  – Suggested Steps

If you have an issue, below are some suggested areas to review. If unsure please contact software.support@modalitysystems.com

Service Bus – Check the Queue

The Service Bus Queue which the Notification Services places messages on for Automation to process.

In the below example, 1.18k messages came in from the notification service and that 1.18k messages were successfully passed over to Automation. If these numbers are not aligned there may be an issue.

Windows Notification Service – Check Logs

The Notification windows service component is installed on the VM that gets deployed for Usage and Governance or within a Container Instance for Calls and Meetings.

Usage and Governance Notification Log

For Usage and Governance, every time the scheduled tasks run a log file is created at the following location:

Calls and Meetings Notification Log

For Calls and Meetings, every time the logic app runs a log file gets created in the following storage account

Under a container called success or failure depending on the outcome

Notification Logs Table Comparison

Every time the Notification Service runs it will place a line in the automation.NotificationLogs SQL Database table for either Usage and Governance or Calls and Meetings

and then once Automation has processed the message, a corresponding entry is added to a table within the Automation storage account

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