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Default Automation Scenarios

This shows examples of the default appearance and wording of Teamwork Analytics automation scenarios. Text can be easily changed (including links) to meet organisational needs, and the colour and logo and be changed to match an existing visual style.

Usage and Governance scenarios

Inactive teams

Team owner receives message showing their inactive teams (default 30 days) with a recommendation for action.

Owner Policy Reminder

Team owner receives message showing they do not have enough owners defined on their team. Default is to message where a team only has a single owner.

Teams with Guests reminder

A reminder (default once per month) to owners of teams that contain external guests.

Weekly Activity Report

A weekly summary of Teams activity.

Monthly Activity Report

A monthly summary of Teams activity.

Calls and Meetings scenarios

Built-in device reminder

A weekly summary to people who have made calls or joined meetings using a built-in device (rather than an external device such as a headset). Suggested to customise for your organisation with further guidance or advice on how to order a suitable device.

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