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Comparing Teamwork Analytics to other solutions

We are often asked how Teamwork Analytics compares to what comes in the box with Microsoft and with other solutions on the market.

Comparing Teamwork Analytics to what comes with Office 365 for Microsoft Teams

Comparing to Microsoft is easy for us, we are a complete Microsoft shop, understand what is in the box (which is ever-improving) and where we add value beyond this.

Teamwork Analytics would be compared to Microsoft’s native Teams Admin Center Reports and Microsoft Call Quality Dashboard Power BI Reports.

Key differences from Microsoft

  • Automated Messages sent directly to end-uses to drive usage, governance and improve call and meeting experiences
  • Customisable alerting by teams message, email or directly into IT Operations platforms with Logic apps
  • All Power BI driven for reporting cached, not direct query, scale tested up to customers with 330,000 users
  • Customer defined PII Policies, grouping by any AD attribute and customer-defined retention periods
  • Detailed Team governance reporting
  • Reporting filterable and targetable by all active directory attributes
  • Optional services wrap to set up automations, alerts and review your Teams adoption, health and performance

Comparing Teamwork Analytics to other partner solutions

There are many great solutions on the market. All partners, including Modality, are pulling data from the same Microsoft Graph API’s. In that respect, it is a pretty level playing field in terms of what data/abilities are open to partner solutions. Modality Teamwork Analytics focuses on driving Microsoft Teams success, which for us means adoption, governance and calls and meetings experience. That means Teamwork Analytics is often compared to other governance focused solutions or call and meeting quality solutions. To our knowledge, there is not a solution on the market that covers Teams in the way Teamwork Analytics does for all three of these areas.

Modality is very happy to help customers compare solutions to ensure they have the right solution to meet their requirements. We do not have the ability to constantly keep up with all the solutions on the market, but here is a table to provide some points of comparison between Modality Teamwork Analytics and any other solution you are using or considering.

Obviously, this list is written with Teamwork Analytics strengths in mind. We encourage you to compare our answers to other vendors solutions but are of course very happy to answer any questions you have of our solution to allow you to accurately compare it to any other vendor solution and will quickly provide responses to any questions.

Modality Teamwork AnalyticsOther Solution
About the Partner
Microsoft Partner LevelGold in 11 competencies, all Microsoft Teams specialisations and on the Microsoft Teams Technology Adoption Program. Fully focused on Microsoft Cloud providing Professional Services, Managed Services and Software
Number of users in largest active customer330,000 – proven scale
International Coverage to transact and supportYes
Pricing ModelPer-User, Per Year, subscription
Microsoft IP Co-SellYes
Leveraging Microsoft Azure and Power BI TechnologyYes
Deployment ModelsSaaS, Managed by Modality on your tenant or deployed yourself on your tenant via Azure ARM Template
Ability to deploy 100% on customer tenant without the partner/provider having access to any informationYes
Option to deploy as SaaS with no management for customerYes
Automated Messages to End Users for Adoption, Governance and Call and Meeting PerformanceYes
Control over the triggers of automated messages and the content of those messagesYes, SQL triggers and Microsoft Adaptive Cards can be customised as required
Add Input forms and buttons to automated messages to gather user agreement or inputYes
Completely customisable AlertingYes – Azure Logic Apps
Customer Controlled Selective PII removalYes – target users for PII removal by any AD attribute, e.g. all users with Country = Germany
Depth Reporting on Teams usage including channel usage, replies, reactions and who is engaged with who across teams, calls and meetingsYes
Power BI Reports specific to Adoption, Governance and Call and Meeting PerformanceYes
Optional Services WrapYes
The tool can form part of a wider managed services propositionYes
Governance Reporting for Microsoft Teams including Guests and AppsYes
Adoption Reporting for Microsoft Teams including detailed use of teams and channels and detailed use of call and meetings, VoIP, Video, Desktop SharingYes
Detailed Call and Meeting Performance Reporting including filtering by network and active directory attributes of usersYes
“Call Logger / Call Records” Reporting of all VoIP and PSTN Calls made/receivedYes
Database Schema shared with customers to allow their own reportingYes
Power BI files shared with customers to allow their own modificationYes
Services wrap that can include custom Power BI report creation to meet your exact reporting requirementsYes
Real-time reporting of Teams Call Quality/Network PerformanceNo – this is not possible from any vendor as Microsoft’s API’s only provide call information post-call and technically with an SLA of up to 60 minutes after the call/meeting is complete, though records are usually provided by the API within minutes even at a large scale
Reporting on other solutions such as Cisco or AvayaNo – Teamwork Analytics is 100% focused on Microsoft Teams
Reporting directly from Session Border ControllersNo – all our reporting comes from Microsoft API’s, we have no direct reporting from SBCs
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