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Call Logger


Full detail of calls and call legs within Teams.

You can easily limit results to a particular scenario using the buttons across the top, or to particular caller(s) or callee(s) using the dropdowns below.

Use the date, Active Directory and Call Type slicers at the top of the report to limit to a particular area of interest. Further advanced filtering can be done using the Filter pane on the right hand side.

This report tells me

Calls over time

Graph of how many calls for each scenario occured on each day.


CallIdInternal unique identifier for the call
Call StartDate/Time (UTC timezone) for the call starting
Call EndDate/Time (UTC timezone) for the call ending
WeekdayDay of the week that call started
Call DurationTime in hh : mm : ss format for length of call
LegFor multi-leg calls, used to identify which leg this refers to
Total LegsFor the call, number of legs with data
Leg StartDate/Time (UTC timezone) for the leg starting
Leg EndDate/Time (UTC timezone) for the leg ending
Leg DurationTime in hh : mm : ss format for length of leg
Call DirectionFor non-internal calls, was this initiated by the outside party (inbound), or the user in our tenant? (outbound)
Caller TypeInternal, External or PSTN
Callee TypeInternal, External or PSTN
CallerDisplay Name and SIP URI (internal) or E.164 telephone number (PSTN) of the party that initiated the call
CalleeDisplay Name and SIP URI (internal) or E.164 telephone number (PSTN) of the party that received the call
Caller TenantIdMicrosoft unique identifier for the Teams tenant of the caller
Callee TenantIdMicrosoft unique identifier for the Teams tenant of the callee


You can quickly select a particular day by clicking (highlight) on a day in the “Calls over time” visual – the Details pane will only show items from that day.

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